Friday, March 1, 2013

Okay, this is the first week of new thinking. I went to the center for disease control site and they outlined a five step process for losing weight.  The steps are:

1. Make a commitment. This is why I wrote the contract so that I have the written down promise to myself to do my best at getting this done well.

2. Take stock of where you are.

3. Set realistic goals

4. Identify resources for information and support

5. Continually check in with yourself and monitor your progress

Well, step one is done.  Let's see what it says under step two.

Consider talking to your health care provider. He or she can evaluate your height, weight, and explore other weight-related risk factors you may have. Ask for a follow-up appointment to monitor changes in your weight or any related health conditions. 

Keep a "food diary" for a few days, in which you write down everything you eat. By doing this, you become more aware of what you are eating and when you are eating. This awareness can help you avoid mindless eating. 

Next, examine your current lifestyle. Identify things that might pose challenges to your weight loss efforts. For example, does your work or travel schedule make it difficult to get enough physical activity? Do you find yourself eating sugary foods because that's what you buy for your kids? Do your coworkers frequently bring high-calorie items, such as doughnuts, to the workplace to share with everyone? Think through things you can do to help overcome these challenges.

Finally, think about aspects of your lifestyle that can help you lose weight. For example, is there an area near your workplace where you and some coworkers can take a walk at lunchtime? Is there a place in your community, such as a YMCA, with exercise facilities for you and child care for your kids?

My doctor has already told me that I need to lose weight. One year I went for a check up and I was told that I was pre diabetic. If I didn't change how I was eating, I was definitely going to get diabetes. I was thirty six at the time. My doctor suggests that I go on weight watchers and that I start walking as an exercise, walking not running because with all this weight and my knees already being weak, running is bad for my knees. But I do enjoy running, so after I lose some weight, I will get back into running again. 

I am currently in the process of examining my current lifestyle.  I have been documenting what I've been eating every day this week. I've also thought about the times that I get hungry and what I do to satisfy it. Yesterday I ate some carrots.  I wasn't as starvy by the end of the day. I think that it's not so hard to get up earlier. I just have to work on getting to sleep earlier. I think that I just go online until I fall asleep, which is not a good habit. I'm thinking that if I do a stretching exercise just before I go to sleep, then I will fall asleep better. What I have noticed about my eating this week so far is that I eat quite a few sweets and quite a few carbs and I think that's why I'm so sluggish and hungry faster. Some things to think about.  People do bring stuff into work. I'm going to walk around today and see how much food there is left out on the counter tops. Okay, so my challenges are definitely not planning and not being informed enough to make some good vegetables. Carbs are easy to cook, but you know what veggies are just as easy if not easier. And fried food leaves such a huge mess. 

Okay, so I'm in the examining current life stage this week. In the next couple of weeks, I will look at the remaining steps. I just want to now write down the rules from the Joy Fit Club Book:

1. Get Your Head in the Game
2. Track Your Progress
3. Exercise Daily
4. Eliminate the Extras
5. Find a Support Network
6. Eliminate Liquid Calories
7. Get Comfortable in the Kitchen
8. Avoid Trigger Foods
9. Forgive Slip Ups
10. Set Short and Long Term Goals